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Showing posts with label United Airlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Airlines. Show all posts

Air Travel with Toddlers - 8 Tips to Make Toddler Trips Easier!

If you are gearing up for the upcoming travel season, we can help! It can be an adventure traveling with your children (especially toddlers).

Here's a short checklist for any parents who are traveling with their toddlers!

◻️ Talk about the trip with your child BEFORE you leave home

◻️ Find a game/stuffed animal to help your child pass the time in the security line

◻️ Pack your own TSA friendly/kid friendly snacks in a gallon sized bag

◻️ Find out if the airport has a mini playground or museum before you leave home

◻️ Pack new dollar store toys for every hour of your flight

◻️ Play "find it" with the in-flight magazine pictures

◻️ Make sure each child has their own backpack (you can even pack clothes in there)

◻️ Clean the tray tables, arm rest, and windows when your family is seated

Have a great week and plan for upcoming travel! Also, check out our book about family travel! - http://tinyurl.com/familytravelhacks


The @WeekendsCount Family!

About Weekends Count - Weekends Count is a Millennial Family Travel, Fun, Food and Activities blog based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in Texas. We review hotels, travel and household items, and millennial family experiences!

Authors - Jennifer and Tony Edwards

Here's a link to our press kit/media kit - http://www.weekendscount.com/p/our-media-kit.html

Contact Information:
1030 East Highway 377 Suite 110
Box #145
Granbury TX 76048
Send us an Email! We are PR friendly! - weekendscount@gmail.com

Our Social Media Channels:
Check Us Out on YouTube! - http://www.youtube.com/weekendscount/
Become a Fan of Facebook! - http://www.facebook.com/weekendscount/
Follow Us on Twitter! - http://www.twitter.com/weekendscount/
Look for Us on Instagram! - http://www.instagram.com/weekendscount/
Discover the Weekends Count Blog! - http://www.weekendscount.com

Remember to Purchase or Download Our Family Travel Book on Amazon! - Family Travel Hacks and Tips for Any Budget!

24 Hour Travel - From DFW Airport to Denver, Colorado on United Airlines

What happens when you want to travel and you only have from 5pm on Friday to 6pm on Sunday? Yeah, you know the typical workweek? You just have to plan around it!

So, this means that we have to book a ticket a couple of weeks to two days ahead of time (yes, I am famous for this as well). Recently, we booked a ticket from Dallas-Fort Worth Airport (DFW) to Denver, Colorado Airport (DEN) on United Airlines. We arrived at 8:30 am and then we quickly checked-in at the Westin Denver Airport hotel, which was FABULOUS!

9:00 am - Then, we purchased light rail tickets from the airport to downtown. The ride was around 25 minute and it was a scenic trip for our family to view the terrain of Denver. Then, we realized that the 24 hour rail pass included MANY routes (that we plan to explore soon). We disembarked at the main downtown station and we walked around downtown Denver.

10:00 am Tattered Cover Bookstore - Our first stop was the the Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver. It featured an amazing mannequin in the bookstore and this is definitely a bookstore picture stop! Also, the children's reading section was excellent!

10:30 am - Centennial Gardens Park - We also visited Centennial Gardens Park to view the gardens. In addition, the gardens, there is a great under the bridge photo opportunity! While we were walking under the bridge we saw several Lime Bike Riders. It seems like a great way to explore the city!

11:00am - Confluence Park - After our visit to the park, we walked to a downtown falls area (Confluence Park) and it was absolutely beautiful! Great for pictures and then for a quick bite to eat (we brought food from Texas and it was still cold)!

12:00 pm (Noon) - We visited 7-11 downtown because my little one wanted ice cream. So, we purchased three pints (with spoons) and walked downtown to eat our treats in the downtown gardens area).

1:00 pm - We walked to view the Big Blue Bear and then we visited the local Convention and Visitor's Bureau for more information about downtown. THEN, they told us about a local (and free) music festival that was by the downtown library and capital building. We walked four to five blocks and the festival was great! Many vendors, many free samples (Haribo, Sahale Snacks, and a milk company).

4:00pm - Then, we walked back downtown to find this mini golf area by the Westin Hotel and my little one LOVED it! It was free and she is such a mini golf fan!

5:00pm - We ordered a gluten free pizza (with napkins and plates) and then boarded the light rail from downtown Denver to the Westin Airport hotel.

6:00pm - We arrived back in the hotel and then we ate the pizza in the hotel room while watching a movie.

7:00pm - We began preparing for bed for a 8:00am flight the next morning.

As you can see, we had a fun-filled, great time that lasted for 24 hours instead of an entire week. This was fabulous for our work schedules and we were able to accomplish MORE in less time!

Travel to Denver, Colorado on United Airlines from Dallas-Fort Worth Airport is a quick and easy flight from Texas. We embrace 24 hour travel during the weekends for our busy Texas family. In Denver, we played free mini golf downtown, enjoyed the downtown parks. We stayed at the Westin Airport hotel and it was a simple train ride to Downtown Denver. We enjoyed seeing the big blue bear outside of the convention center. Have a great week and plan for the weekend!


The @WeekendsCount Family!

About Weekends Count - Weekends Count is a Millennial Family Travel, Fun, Food and Activities blog based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in Texas. We review hotels, travel and household items, and millennial family experiences!

Authors - Jennifer and Tony Edwards

Here's a link to our press kit/media kit - http://www.weekendscount.com/p/our-media-kit.html

Contact Information:
1030 East Highway 377 Suite 110
Box #145
Granbury TX 76048
Send us an Email! We are PR friendly! - weekendscount@gmail.com

Our Social Media Channels:
Check Us Out on YouTube! - http://www.youtube.com/weekendscount/
Become a Fan of Facebook! - http://www.facebook.com/weekendscount/
Follow Us on Twitter! - http://www.twitter.com/weekendscount/
Look for Us on Instagram! - http://www.instagram.com/weekendscount/
Discover the Weekends Count Blog! - http://www.weekendscount.com

Remember to Purchase or Download Our Family Travel Book on Amazon! - Family Travel Hacks and Tips for Any Budget!

The Millennial Family Travel Experience is Now Complete with FREE In-Flight Snacks from One Premier Airline!

We are such a fan of flying across the country with our family. This year alone, our family has taken four flights on American Airlines and United Airlines from the DFW Airport. My little one loves snacks and it is so tempting for me to purchase snacks whenever she see the "snack purchase opportunity" pass by her several times before the free drinks are available.

So, I was SUPER surprised when I received this news article from our local news station (CBS - DFW) - United Bringing Back Free Snacks in Coach on US Flights.

The article mentions new in-flight snack items ranging from stroopwafels (sweet waffle snacks) to an Asian-themed mix of sesame sticks, wasabi peas, and rice crackers. By the way, I LOVE this MIX from our local World Market!

These snacks will make their debut in February 2016! I cannot wait to book a flight for our family in 2016 on United Airlines to experience these new additions to our in-flight experience! This is great for the millennial family travel experience!

Follow Us! 
Instagram/Twitter - @WeekendsCount 
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Five Wish List Items for Airlines to Provide for Traveling Families

During the past few months, we have been fortunate to travel with our family to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Orlando, and San Diego via air (some of these were even weekend trips). This has been a great learning experience for our little one and it has been a great writing experience for me as well!

As we flew to Las Vegas, I had a great brainstorming moment and I thought of ALL of the things that I wished that the airline would provide for parents who fly with their children and here's the list!

Flying United Airlines with a Toddler/Preschooler OR How to Travel on an Airplane With a Contigo Bottle

Sometimes I think that I have everything planned as a mom on the go, but I realize that I have no idea. When traveling to San Diego for a few days away for family time, we prepared our three passports (one for mom, one for dad, and one for baby girl) and we persisted through the TSA lane. This was my first time traveling United Airlines with my Premier Silver pass (thanks Marriott Rewards) and I was pleased to know that this status provides you with the green light for the TSA "express lane". This was my second time to travel with the priority access.

How to Save Money on Domestic and International Airline Fares!


We love saving money on trips! As a result, we like to read our local paper, the Fort Worth Star Telegram, because it always features new tips and ideas for travel!

Travel-Friendly Toddler Toys! - Order from Store for Knowledge!

During the past few weeks, our family has been in Christmas planning frenzy! The top of our list including purchasing toddler friendly toys and planning 2014 trips to new family-oriented locations.

This year, we are searching for travel-friendly toys from local small businesses!

One of the best businesses that we found so far is the "Store for Knowledge"! They are an online retailer located in Stephenville, TX and they ship around the world! They have EXCELLENT customer service and an amazing selection of toys (especially Melissa and Doug toys). Here are some of the toys we ordered from Store for Knowledge!
*Great for travel! Especially for layovers in airports!

Tips for Traveling with Babies, Toddlers, and Kids - Fly in the Afternoon

I love, love, love flying with my little one! She is well behaved, but I really enjoy when she is QUIET on an airplane! When she is quiet or asleep, I can breathe a sigh of relief because I know that she is not disturbing other passengers.