Make Your Weekends Count!

Talking Points for Kids about American History at Disney Parks

When your family visits Disney, you have an opportunity to share conversations about the past and the future. Here are some fun ways to learn about the future while visiting Disney.

Whether you are a homeschool family or you send your child to public school, you can combine your Disney vacation with learning. Whether you are visiting Magic Kingdom or Epcot, decide which attractions want to make learning experiences for your family. 

Considering exploring:
💡 Liberty Square
💡 Frontierland
💡 World Showcase
💡 Carousel of Progress
💡 Hall of Presidents
💡 Imagineering
💡 Mission: Space

Yes, I want your family to have fun, but remember - you can have fun while learning!

Learning about American History at Disney Parks (Disney Land and Disney World) can happen at Magic Kingdom (which has almost everything). You can make history come alive with kids at Disney. You can include conversations about the following:

☀️ The Liberty Tree Tavern in Liberty Square (Magic Kingdom)(amazing relics and talking points for children)

Talking Point - What things do you see that make it look old-fashioned (like the maps, documents, etc)?

☀️ The Liberty Bell Replica in Liberty Square (Magic Kingdom)

Talking Point - Ask them where the actual liberty bell is located? What was the purpose of the bell?

☀️ The Hall of Presidents in Liberty Square (Magic Kingdom)

Talking Point - What does a President do?

Talking Point - Do you recognize anyone?

☀️ Tom Sawyer Island at FrontierLand (Magic Kingdom)

Talking Point - Ask your children to watch a YouTube video or read about book about the Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Ask them what they want to explore on the island first?

Talking Point - Does anything on the island remind them of the video or the book?

☀️ Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress in Tomorrow Land at Magic Kingdom

Talking Point - Would you rather live now or back then?

What are some additional talking points you would add?


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