Make Your Weekends Count!

Traveling During COVID19: Cooking in Your Hotel Room - Shopping List

When we travel, we are extremely focused on having the BEST experience while saving money. One of the most effective ways that I've found to help us save money, save time, and (now) stay safe is to cook inside of our hotel room. 

We've been cooking inside of our hotel rooms since 2008. I used to have a lot of business travel and I discovered that I could stay in bed a bit longer if I could pack oatmeal packets in my travel bag. Now, I've transitioned from simply traveling with oatmeal packs to traveling with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  

Despite our frugalness, we LOVE to eat a good restaurant breakfast (and lunch). In fact, it is one of our most MISSED activities during the pandemic. We love a good full restaurant buffet with french toast, sausage, bacon, pancakes, scrambled eggs, a good English Breakfast tea... oh my - I am just getting hungry just thinking about it!

Let's talk about the real reason for this post. Traveling with food and cooking in your hotel room.

We always have a grocery checklist before we travel. This checklist changes if we choose to travel by air or via car. We have a TSA friendly domestic and international travel grocery shopping list. Now, we have a neat opportunity to customize our shopping list without entering a grocery store through our weekly orders through Imperfect Foods. Check them out!

Despite our love for a good restaurant breakfast, we have not taken the leap to dine in a restaurant since February 2020. Actually, we have just started the carry out process at restaurants.

This post contains affiliate links to help you build your shopping list and travel list for your family. We provide easy links for you to click to make your busy lifestyle easier! 

Here's our typical grocery checklist:

Fruits and Vegetables:

Breakfast Foods:

Lunch Foods:
Bread (for Sandwiches)
Tortillas (for Wraps)

Dinner Foods:

Additional Items:
Foil Sheets (Purchase these at Sam's or the Dollar Tree)
Dawn Dish Soap  (Purchase these at Sam's or the Dollar Tree)
Plastic Bags  (Purchase these at Sam's or the Dollar Tree)
Olive Oil

We usually place all of these items in gallon-sized bags and place them in our North Face Backpack! Plus, it is easier to take out during the TSA security screening. 

Definitely pre-plan your meals ahead of time. Plus, if you have any questions or if you want to see a meal guide, please let us know! 

Have a great week and plan for the weekend!


The @WeekendsCount Family!

About Weekends Count - Weekends Count Magazine is focused on helping people navigate travel, build their family business, and manage their money. We provide tips, printables, and easy-to-understand infographics to help people learn amazing ways to make their lives easier.

We are located in the Dallas-Fort Worth and East Texas areas. based in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and the Shreveport Metroplex area.

Authors - Jennifer and Tony Edwards

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Remember to Purchase or Download Our Family Travel Book on Amazon! - Family Travel Hacks and Tips for Any Budget!

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