Make Your Weekends Count!

Keeping STEAM as a First-Grade Love, But Also Emphasizing Language Arts (as a Friend)

Recently, we moved our daughter to the new STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) academy in our city and it has been a wonderful experience for her. She had an introductory experience with science and mathematics through the Tarleton State University's Child Development Center. Through this center, the teachers inspired to her develop critical thinking skills and she continues to use these skills daily at the STEAM academy.

The STEAM academy has positively impacted my daughter in various ways. She continues to question "why" X (this) caused Y (that) and she has fallen in LOVE! Fallen in love with science that is! We could not be more proud of her new found relationship with the field we would have chosen for her in the first place.

As a result of this love for science and math, her love for reading and language arts (her first love) has experienced a small amount of difficulty. You know, those first loves always stick around, but sometimes you need to focus on the relationship from the "just a friend" level. So, she has her primary love (math and science) and her first love (and now friend) (reading and language arts). Both of these relationships are fundamental to her development as a young learner.

So, our goal is to discover ways to integrate the love and the friendship together to form the ultimate learning experience. All of us need friends and the love of our life! We've decided to integrate the two  by participating in the reading bingo program at her academy (she is very competitive) and we will also emphasize guided journaling next month.

These are the books that we introduced to her this month:

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Counting on Katherine: How Katherine Johnson Saved Apollo 13.

My little one stated, "Read this book and you can almost be like her. "She found out how to send a rocket to the moon!" - M. Edwards

Pick Three: You Can Have It All (Just Not Every Day)

As a mom who works full-time, I am always seeking books that helps me organize my life and it gave me my second wind!  - @drjtedwards

Go! (Blue): A Kids' Interactive Travel Diary and Journal

Make it a point to travel during the upcoming year! Celebrate these new locations with your child!

The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs

Meal plan with your kids on Friday or Saturday night and purchase groceries on Sunday! If they plan it, they will eat it!

We have to log these books on our reading sheet from the STEAM academy, but we are making our own reading sheet for the weekends. Look forward to this link soon!

If you have any questions about these books, please let me know! We will be happy to help!


The @WeekendsCount Family!

About Weekends Count - Weekends Count is a Millennial Family Travel, Fun, Food and Activities blog based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in Texas. We review hotels, travel and household items, and millennial family experiences!

Authors - Jennifer and Tony Edwards

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