Make Your Weekends Count!

10 Ways to Get the Year Started (and Rock the School Year) with Your Child's Teacher

Now, the school year is in FULL swing and YOU (moms and dads) are probably struggling to discover what to do next! It is SEPTEMBER guys! Remember to make the weekends count and to plan for those Monday mornings. :)

Here are 10 Ways to Rock the School Year with Your Child's Teacher

1 - Schedule a Time each Day to Check your Child's Backpack.

For our family, I set this time on my phone and Apple Watch to check my daughter's backpack. I actually have to sign a daily document for my daughter and I struggle to find a pen each night. I actually hide a pen in a secret compartment of my daughter's backpack for signing papers. Do it!

2 - Join Your Child's Teacher's Facebook Group

Most teachers actually have a Facebook group for the parents of the children in their classes. Join it! It can mean so much to the teacher and it can also keep you informed.

3 - Check Out Your Child's Teacher's Hashtag

Some school districts and schools are challenging their teachers to engage with their students' parents and the community on Twitter by using one or more hashtags. Ask your child's teacher if they are using Twitter this year!

4 - Ask a Simple Question - "What Do You Need for Your Classroom?"

Sometimes, the district school supply lists do not include all of the essential (and optional - good to have) items that teachers need for their classrooms. Pick up those items in September as they are placed on sale by Amazon, the big box stores, and even CVS.

Here's a link to my Amazon Store for Additional Teacher Supplies -

This post contains affiliate links to help you build your shopping list and travel list for your family. We provide easy links for you to click to make your busy lifestyle easier! 

5 - Do Not Miss an Important Classroom Date!

Pick up a simple monthly calendar from the Dollar Tree and write these important dates from the classroom on this simple inexpensive calendar.

6 - Be Patient with Your Child's Teacher

Your child's teacher is probably frantic this time of year. Provide an encouraging note or text for them. Enter a reminder in your telephone or Apple Watch to remind you weekly! :)

7 - Join Your Teacher's Remind 101

Most teachers are also corresponding with parents through text message or through Remind 101. Join it!

8 - Complete Your Child's Paperwork

Remember to complete each paper or form that your teacher sends home. Yes, sometimes I am THAT parent, but I strive to do better this year.

9 - Volunteer/Be Present

Yes, I am working parent as well, but I promised my daughter that I would have lunch with her at least three times per month. I also plan to volunteer as well.

10 - Remember the Holidays!

You like receiving cards and your child's teacher likes receiving cards as well! Pick up a card! Pick up something at the Dollar Store as well! Make their day!

Here are some additional ways to start the school year off right! (From BuzzFeed)

Have a great week and plan for the weekend!


The @WeekendsCount Family!

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