Make Your Weekends Count!

Travel Hacks You Need To Try On Your Next Trip - Guest Post

This week, we have a GUEST POST! Introducing Josh!

About Josh - Josh Cornehell is a marketing specialist professional that helps attract customers, convert leads, or even close customers. Josh has been working professionally in this field since 2008. Have a great week and plan for the weekend!

The adventure of traveling starts even just at the moment you are looking for cheap flights and accommodations. Whether your intent is to unwind or to thrill, nothing makes your tour more pleasant than making sure you a capable of tackling any problems that might occur. Hack your travel and have a great trip with these simple yet street-smart notes.

Download offline Google maps to save data.

For some, it is almost impossible to get around without Google Maps. However, buying a sim card in another country can be pricey for just a short stay and you can’t always expect wi-fi to be available either. Good news is, the latest versions of Google Maps allows users to save destinations for later offline use. Simply type in ‘ok maps’ in the Google Maps search bar and load your starting and end points.

Plug in on a Smart TV.

Losing or forgetting your wall plug is a major hassle especially when your battery is running low. If you’re booked in a hotel, look for the USB connector on the back or side of the TV. You can plug your device in that way to get some needed charge.

Make backup copies of your documents.

You can never tell if you’re next in line of theft or loss incidents. Better safe than sorry. Make copies and take screenshots of your passport, booking confirmation, hotel reservation and all other documents regarding your trip. Have printed copies on hand and also send digital copies to your email or even save copies on a USB stick and on your phone. This step is a lifesaver.

Mark your bags as fragile when checking in.

Aside from ensuring the careful handling of your luggage during transfers, your luggage will also be given top priority in the storage. This means you won’t be waiting too long to get your bag back in the conveyor belt.

Get unlimited water at the airport for free.

Airport security keeps an eye on liquids. As much as you want to bring water bottles with you due to the hefty price of beverages inside the airport, you really cannot. Just bring an empty bottle or canteen and refill it at the water fountains after you’ve passed security.

Switch to incognito settings when looking for flights.

Aside from just clearing the cache technique, private browsing will also save you from hiked up prices especially when you visited multiple times from price watching.

Follow airlines’ social media accounts.

Airlines these days have flash discounts and limited seat sales offer which are announced on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Check their pages and compare deals before booking.

Use ATMs to get local currency.

Money changers charge hefty fees for buying local currency. Use your card and withdraw from local ATMs as you’ll get a minimal charge from your banks foreign exchange protection feature.

Keep some snacks or instant food handy.

There are many cases when you get hungry quickly and food service is hours away. Bring some instant oatmeal in a Ziploc bag or a packet in case you get hungry on the plane and just ask for hot water. Crackers in packets, gum and mints are always a good idea too.

Bring collapsible laundry bags.

These are extremely helpful when separating your clothes in your luggage. You can easily separate clean clothes from the dirty ones. They can also double as a containers for smaller items so they don’t get lost among everything else in your luggage.

Fanny pack it.

They may look out of style but fanny packs are extremely helpful. They let travelers easily keep an eye on their belongings and keep valuables organized and intact in one small pack. Passing security checks will also be less of a hassle.

Upgrade your luggage allowance for free.

This is one underrated travel hack for packing. If you’re planning to go shopping, bring an extra duffel bag inside your luggage. In case you go over the weight limit, you can move some of your stuff on the duffel bag as hand carry.

Mix and match your tickets.

Ever tried booking two one-way tickets? Book your arrival and returning tickets from different airlines as prices can even be lower. You might also score a flight on the time you like.

Don’t forget to cover yourself up.

May it be a summer season or sunny tropical all-year round on your destination, always bring a pair of pants, long skirts, and long sleeves, according to travel advisories. Aside from protecting yourself from unexpected weather change, act accordingly especially on conservative places.

Thanks Josh!


The @WeekendsCount Family!

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Remember to Check Out Our Book - Family Travel Hacks and Tips for Any Budget!

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