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Four Ways Busy Moms Can Prepare for Kindergarten

Four Ways Busy Moms Can Prepare for Kindergarten
Tomorrow, my kid hits another milestone - kindergarten! I've had such a hard time with this transition after my mother passed away this summer, because SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO HELP ME.

I know that she is with us during this process and we think of her everyday, but it is still a very lonely process. So, I had to organize everything with the help of the internet! We ordered the back pack (that will last us for years to come), the Bento Box, kindergarten friendly fashion products, and parent school supplies (because we need them too).

The North Face Look - After visiting Canada at the beginning of the summer, I purchased a North Face backpack from the new kindergartener! It was incredibly expensive, but we will continue to use it until her second grade year. I hope!

Lunchtime Toddler Style - We also purchased a Boon Bento Box lunch kit. It had everything that I wanted at a fraction of the bento box price. Usually, you have to purchase the bento box, the lunch kit, and the individual containers, but this bento box has everything you need AND it functions as a lunch kit!

We also had to purchase lunch items for our bento box, plastic bags, and several individually packaged items. Now, I plan to incorporate reusable bags as well!

Kindergarten Fashion - I had to plan a funeral and handle various forms of my "new life" (life after my mom passed) and I did not have a chance to shop. So, I decided to browse and purchase items from Amazon and Ebay to build my kindergartener's new wardrobe. More to come about this!

Don't Forget Your Parent Gear Too! - Parents need accessories for signing documents and documenting memories! This is YOUR kit! Get your Weekends Count Parent Supply Kit. No, just kidding, it is Writing Essentials Kit from Sharpie, Papermate, Expo, but it is extremely inexpensive and helpful!

This post contains affiliate links to help you build your shopping list and travel list for your family. We are passionate about the product and the experiences listed in this post, but we also wanted to provide easy links you can click to purchase products for your busy lifestyle.

Have a great school year!

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About Weekends Count - Weekends Count is a Millennial Family Travel, Fun, Food and Activities blog based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in Texas. We review hotels, travel and household items, and millennial family experiences!

Authors - Jennifer and Tony Edwards

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