Make Your Weekends Count!

5 Innovative Ways You Can Use a Kids Cooking Set to Teach Your Children Science and Literacy

Our family is always looking for high-quality children's toys for a great price! The Little Chef eight-piece metal children's cooking set is one of the best toys (for a great price) for your 3-5 year old! This colorful playlet includes two pots, one pan, two lids, a set of utensils, and an oven mitt!

This post contains affiliate links to help you build your shopping list and travel list for your family. We are passionate about the product and the experiences listed in this post, but we also wanted to provide easy links you can click to purchase products for your busy lifestyle.

She has been in love with metal cooking sets since she discovered one in the childcare book fair last month. I promised her that we would find a great one or her and this one did not disappoint!

You can use the Little Chef cooking set for MORE than just dramatic play. You can use it in the following ways:

1 - Color Identification
Description - Have your child separate the pots/pans of a similar color to demonstrate the concept to color identification and separation. (1-3 year olds)

2 - Make Your Own Story!
Description - Enabling your child to make a story with a two item from the eight piece set.
*You can record this story by taking photos and copying and pasting them into a word document and then your little one can add words. THEN, you can print the items out for a story! OR you can video record the story! (3 year olds and older)

3 - Water Density for Preschoolers!
Description - Science Project - Will it sink or will it float?
*Purchase a large plastic bin from the Dollar Tree and fill it with water. Then, ask your child about the items they think will sink or float. Test the theory! (3-5 year olds)

4 - Balancing Dried Beans!
Description - Enable your child to play with dried beans and pour the beans from the pot to the pan, etc. You can also weigh the pot/pan that on a balance scale to demonstrate the concept of balance! (3-6 year olds)

5 - Forming Shapes!
Description - Have your three/four year old draw around the pots, pans, and their lids to create shapes.
*This is a great way for your child to refine their fine motor skills!

Please let me know if you develop any new ideas!

Have a great week and plan for the weekend!

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