Make Your Weekends Count!

Our Top STEM Toy Pick for 2016 - The "I Do 3D Vertical Pen"!

Realistically, professional parents who work outside the home and/or who commute for 30-minutes to an hour to work have a limited amount of time to spend with their children in the evenings. Post of the time, this precious time is filled with dinner prep, after school activities, sports, etc.

This busy situation is true for our small family as well and we emphasize homework or a STEM activity for our preschooler each day. She really enjoys the hands-on activities instead of the workbooks, but she really likes creating items and watching physical changes occur during the science experiments.

This post contains affiliate links to help you build your shopping list and travel list for your family. We are passionate about the product and the experiences listed in this post, but we also wanted to provide easy links you can click to purchase products for your busy lifestyle.

Here's Step 1 - Utilize the Design Paper to Create the Martian!

Step 2 - Allow the Solution to Cool (while admiring your creation)!

Step 3 - Make Your Creation a 3D Creature!

Toys like the "I Do 3D Vertical Pen" (the price ranges between $3.39 and $19.99) is one of those affordable, versatile toys for busy families who want to emphasize the science, technology, engineering, or mathematics in 30 minute segments for their children. Our preschooler LOVED creating her own objects and viewing them on the dining room table each day!

Tony, my husband, is a former science teacher and my father is a former science teacher as well. So, science definitely runs in my family. My preschooler also loves science. She will definitely be a STEM Girl and I know that she will carry on the family name in the science field!

Have a great week and plan for the weekend!

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