Make Your Weekends Count!

7 New Protein-Packed Snack Products for Your Family to Try from the Love with Food Subscription Box

Each month, we enjoy receiving a red box in the mail filled with new goodies to try! I admit, this is usually my airline and road trip travel box as well. It always highlights a theme and additional links to discover the different new products available for purchase!

Why We Love "Love with Food"
Our busy family LOVES this list because it enables us to add new items to our Amazon Subscribe and Save Lists! Recently, we've discovered new popcorn and new dried cherries to add to our monthly list! Here's a neat coupon for 40% (yes that is quite a opportunity) for you and your millennial family!

Are You Interested in Your Own "Love with Food Box?
If you are interested in your VERY OWN "Love with Food" subscription box, click our affiliate link -Yes! I want my very own subscription box! 

Through Love with Food, we are able to explore new products and introduce our little one to products from around the world! For example, here are the items from our most recent
Love with Food box!

This box featured a few amazing items! They are listed below!

Peanut Butter and Co.'s Mighty Nut Powered Peanut Butter - These are amazing! My husband loves peanut butter, because it serves as an additional source of protein for our family. 

Sheffa Zesty Nut Mix - This definitely is a MUST for my bag. I have between 4-8 meetings per day and I average 8,000 steps per day. I definitely need snacks as I walk between 
one building and the next.

Envirokids's Chocolate Crispy Rice Bar - These are delicious and my little one loves this brand. They is a great addition to any of your little one's lunch kits!

Carnival Kettle Popcorners - Oh my goodness! My mother LOVES these corn chips, but I have fallen in love with them as well! I will definitely add these to my Amazon list!

The Seaweed Snack by Ocean's Halo - Yes! Seaweed with a Texas-taste twist! As this stated, this is lightly roasted and it is filled with B-12 vitamins and iodine! The best thing is that these are also true to my favorite state and feature our favorite side dish, "Mesquite BBQ sauce"!

Quinoa Choco-Chip - Goodie Girl Cookies - Beautiful packaging, amazing taste, and in to-go packaging! Love this gluten-free snack because the package serves as a great incentive to 
healthy eating!

Chimes's Toasted Coconut Toffee - This treat is definitely a low-calorie sweet treat for parents on the go!

Thanks for reading this post! I challenge each of you to purchase a 6-12 month subscription. Here's the link for you to explore a Love with Food subscription.

Have a great week and plan for the weekend!

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