Make Your Weekends Count!

5 Cheap and Easy Ways to Find Homeschool and Evening School Curriculum Content for Your Preschooler

This is an exclusive post for any parents who are interested in educating their child at home. From stay-at-home parents who have the option to educate their school by adopting a home school curriculum to parents who work outside the home have the option to adopt an evening school curriculum, educating your child at home does not have to be a difficult or expensive process!

Tip #1 - Purchase Gently Used School Supplies for Your Curriculum

We purchase puzzles from our local Just Between Friends sale. These are neat, gently used items that are great for little ones.

Tip #2 - Purchase Preschool/Kindergarten Workbooks from the Dollar Tree

We purchase preschool/kindergarten workbooks for our little one to complete each day when we arrive home from preschool and work. These books are only $1.00 each at the Dollar Tree and they sell out FAST! Remember to grab these whenever you see them.

Tip #2 - Provide Low-Cost Incentives for Your Children When They Complete Tasks

We always add a check plus and a sticker on the sheet of paper when our little one completes her tasks for the day. Another incentive for her is to have iPad time upon completion of her evening curriculum.

I love this certificate of completion! What a neat incentive at the back of the workbook!

This is a separate sticker book for my little one. We keep it in her folder (which she uses every day)!

Tip #3 - Purchase Cheap Arts and Craft Supplies When They Are Super Cheap (90% off)

This item was purchased from Walgreens when it was 90% off (around $.15 cents WITH paint and a brush)

Tip #4 - Incorporate CHEAP Science Experiments

When you see EASY science experiments, purchase them for later. We purchased a lizard and we filled a Dollar Tree bin with water to demonstrate absorption for my little one. She checked the lizard every day for two weeks to see if the toy increased or decreased in size. Great activity!

This lizard was very small when we began the experiment!

It grew over time by absorbing water!

This was the original packaging from the Dollar Tree! Quick, easy, and effective!

Tip #5 - Talk about Nature

Simple items like flowers and leaves are wonderful foundations for a great conversation about science and nature (think about pollination, identification of the parts of the flower, seasonal changes, etc.).

Please let us know if you have any questions about the five CHEAP and EASY ways to find home school and preschool curriculum content! We are happy to help...especially if it involves the dollar tree.

Have a great week and plan for the weekend!

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