Make Your Weekends Count!

Saddle Up at the Cattle Raisers Museum in the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

Enjoy rodeos and westerns? Then take your family to visit the Cattle Raisers Museum in the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History!

cattle raisers museum

You can see longhorns and other artifacts from Fort Worth's history in cattle production and distribution.

cattle raisers museum longhorn

You can also saddle up for a virtual cattle drive video game!

cattle raisers museum ride along roundup 1

cattle raisers museum ride along roundup 2

cattle raisers museum ride along roundup 3

There are also movies, artifacts, and exhibits related to cattle in the museum.

cattle raisers museum 2

cattle raisers museum 3

cattle raisers museum photos

cattle raisers museum horse

Have you been to the Cattle Raisers Museum? What was your favorite part? Let us know in the comments.

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