Make Your Weekends Count!

How to Clean Your Home and Save Money for a Family Vacation with VarageSale!

Have lots of things around the house you no longer use?  Clothes the kids can't wear anymore?  Garage sale time?  Sell items on Facebook?  Here's why you should consider VarageSale instead!

City Regulations

Some cities regulate how many garage sales you can host per year.  Other cities require permits for garage sales.  You can post your items for sale anytime with VarageSale.

Time Investment

Setting up and shutting down a garage sale can take up much of a weekend, leaving little time for other activities.  Driving around town to several garage sales in search of deals also sucks up valuable time.  While there is some time needed to post items, manage items for sale, or find items for sale, it should not take up lots of time, particularly when the kids are awake.

Energy Investment

Organizing and managing garage sales can also be tiring.  VarageSale solves this problem by eliminating the need to organize all your items outside your house.

Managing items on social media

Having sold items using Facebook groups in the past, managing individual items can be a challenge, particularly if you want to sell multiple items at once.  Having access to Facebook's audience is great, but not if you can't keep track of your items.  VarageSale solves this problem by using Facebook sign-in to set up VarageSale accounts.   You can also share your posted items for sale on Facebook.  It's the best of both worlds!  You can access VarageSale through desktops or through iOS and Android apps.

Finding what you need at garage sales or Facebook groups

Some weeks you find great items at garage sales and other weeks you find nothing you want or need.  The same is true for Facebook groups.  Also, with Facebook groups, there's no great way to sort for exactly what you need.  VarageSale allows buyers and sellers to sort based on categories.  This allows buyers to find exactly what they want and sellers to see which categories have lots of inventory and which items have little inventory.  This also helps with pricing.  You can even set up your news feed in VarageSale to only show the categories that interest you most.

Saving For a Family Vacation

VarageSale is a great way to save toward a family vacation or any savings goal.  With VarageSale, you can track your progress of items sold, allowing you and your family to monitor your progress toward completion of your savings goal.  Alternatively, you could use VarageSale earnings to pay down debt or add to an emergency fund.

Ready to Get Started?

Introducing Seven (7) New VarageSale communities in Dallas - Fort Worth:

Super Seller Promotion and Family Vacation to Orlando Contest!

The first 100 signups to the new DFW communities can earn $5 per posted item for sale, up to $125! Also, each posted item for sale becomes an entry into a contest to win a family vacation to Orlando, Florida for up to five (5) people!  Promotion and Contest Terms.

Feedback: Once you have tried VarageSale, let us know about your experience!

We would like to thank our sponsor, VarageSale, for the resources provided in the development of this post.

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