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Texas Independence Day Celebration in Granbury, Tx @visitgranbury

We attended the Texas Independence Festival in Granbury, Tx and we had a GREAT time. Surprisingly, we have never attended a festival in our hometown. This time, we craved something different (and through my love of Texas history as a 5th generation Texan).

First, there was a parade! Our little one enjoyed the horses!

We had a nice visit to my favorite Vera Bradley/everything amazing boutique - Christina's. They have an absolutely divine Sunday breakfast buffet!

Then, we visited Jezebels (a shop on the square). Great for kids clothes!

Then, we met a lovely couple from Arlington who owns O'Baby Originals. Check out her site - http://www.obabyoriginals.com. Her designs are awesome and the onesies are super cute! Made in Texas!

We found a new store with new collectibles and GOURMET popcorn (and taffy).

Overall, we loved our first Texas Independence Day celebration in Granbury, Tx! Make plans to visit next year! You will probably see us there! ;)

For more info, visit - @visitgranbury or @granburysquare on Twitter.


The Weekends Count Family

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