Make Your Weekends Count!

Four+ Takeaways from the #AdventureCon14 Event - Learning at @SeaWorld @CourtyardHotels

Last weekend, the Weekends Count Family (yes, with toddler in tow) attended the #AdventureCon event in San Antonio. My family enjoyed the conference and the sessions were super informative.

The aspect of #AdventureCon that we enjoyed the most was the informal networking with the other bloggers. I (Jennifer) will admit that I needed a bit of motivation and idea generation for weekly contributions to the WeekendsCount blog. As a result, our family left the conference motivated to post to our blog on a consistent basis! Yay!

First, I have to give a shout out to Kami - the AMAZING planner of this great (and informative event)! Follow Her! - @KamiChat

Second, important shout outs go to SeaWorld Texas (@SeaWorldTexas) and Courtyard by Marriott Seaworld for this amazing event!

Here were some of our takeaways:

1 - Bloggers should give back to their readers. (learned from @SuperJohnMake sure your blog does not always "take" from the readers (and others), but also make sure your blog "gives" back to the readers! (We plan to over several savings tips, giveaways, and other in-person meet-ups through our blog throughout the next year.) Even if it costs money, we will give back to our readers. #OurPromise

2 - Bloggers are Informal Journalists (Similar to Citizen Journalism and Consumer Journalism). Bloggers offer unbiased perspectives on products, experiences, and other aspects of life via their social media outlet.

3 - Bloggers should use analytics. Discover your consistent readers and attempt to appeal to their interests. We learned about Google Analytics and other online software for analytics purposes. Neat!

4 - Bloggers should utilize different social media platforms (effectively) to reach their readers. Find out where your target audience "lives" online and then utilize the social media platforms to reach their readers. Also, read the blog for each of the platforms. This is where the new updates and beta information is usually located.

Also, here are takeaways from the other attendees...

"Share others' content, not just your own. Great tip for Google+ and blogging in general.  #AdventureCon14" @thecraftblog

"On a group board? BE SURE all contributors are ALSO pinning OUT of it. That’s the only way you’ll all grow on Pinterest. #AdventureCon14" @colleenpence

"You can create empathy in your community and make a difference through the power of story @fransteps #adventurecon14" @thePositiveMOM_

"Be selective with news stations you want to work with. @SocialnewsSara News stations do not want to use the same resources. #Adventurecon14" @Pounds4Pennies

We enjoyed this conference so much! I hope we are invited back to the conference next year! #Accountable

- The Weekends Count Family: - @weekendscount -

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