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Travel-Friendly Toddler Toys! - Order from Store for Knowledge!

During the past few weeks, our family has been in Christmas planning frenzy! The top of our list including purchasing toddler friendly toys and planning 2014 trips to new family-oriented locations.

This year, we are searching for travel-friendly toys from local small businesses!

One of the best businesses that we found so far is the "Store for Knowledge"! They are an online retailer located in Stephenville, TX and they ship around the world! They have EXCELLENT customer service and an amazing selection of toys (especially Melissa and Doug toys). Here are some of the toys we ordered from Store for Knowledge!
*Great for travel! Especially for layovers in airports!

Here's our video (the Play-By-Play) and PICTURES! :)

During the holidays, this wonderful store is sponsoring 100% off of select toys. These toys are in limited quantities and change each week! Exciting! Check their website!

Check them out! Here's the link - http://www.storeforknowledge.com/

Here's their Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/StoreforKnowledge


Weekends Count

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