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Away from Home for the Holidays - 8 Tips for Families Traveling Away from Home During the Holidays

After reading our Texas Coop Power Magazine, I had to post these tips for families who travel during the holidays!

- Set your thermostat to 50 degrees.

- Turn off your water heater.

- Unplug your washer and dryer (and all other appliances).

- Set your refrigerator and freezer to the warmest possible temperature.

- DO NOT announce your travel plans on social media.

- Avoid leaving predictable timers on your appliances (this includes lights and sprinklers).

- Do not prematurely place your week's trash bags/can on your lawn.

- Do not leave a note for your mail carrier or newspaper delivery person.

Read more here - http://www.spec-lbk.org/media/uploads/coop-power-docs/tcp1312_lowres.pdf


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