Make Your Weekends Count!

Our Summer Bucket List - 20 Items to Accomplish in Summer 2013!

After much thought, here are our summer bucket list! A few of the "absolutely" items were accomplished, but we can still add to the list!

1 - Visit the JW Marriott Resort in San Antonio

2 - Create a veggie garden for our little one.

3 - Purchase a used (or new) wagon for the little one.

4 - Organize our home office to create more room for the little one.

5 - Travel to the Gaylord Texan to experience the water park.

6 - Catch up on my Netflix queue.

7 - Write two articles for journals. <- Yes, I had to add something on my list that was work related.

8 - Plan my winter vacation.

9 - Go letter boxing!

10 - Go to Houston and/or Galveston.

11 - Go to a small town festival.

12 - Introduce my baby girl to the water.

13 - Finish the little one's passport paperwork.

14 - Travel to Alabama for my genealogy research.

15 - Visit Fossil Rim again.

16 - Travel to the Dominican Republic with the students enrolled in the course I am teaching during Summer II.

17 - Have a garage sale.

18 - Visit Oklahoma City

19 - Visit a strawberry farm.

20 - Go to two weddings this summer! Yes, we were already invited to this exciting occasions! :)

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