Make Your Weekends Count!

3 Ways to Minimize Your Costs and Maximize Your Adventures While on Family Vacations

I love reading Woman's Day for deals, coupons, and amazing ideas!

In the June 2013 issue, Womsn's Day highlighted THREE items to remember before traveling on your family's vacation...

1 - Max Out Your Credit Card Rewards

Credit Card
If you have a rewards bearing credit card account, please remember to incorporate these rewards (whether cash or points) in your transportation, hotel, and other travel costs.

2 - Visit Groupon
Hawaii! Groupon Redemption

Before using Groupon, I used the Entertainment book when traveling to a new city. Sometimes, there are some nationwide coupons (usually in full-color) that you can use any almost any retail location. can use Groupon to select the CITY and the DEALS that you would like to use in your new city.

3 - Snag Old Fashioned Coupons 
Day 44 - Lunch Date
When you visit a new state, make sure that you contact the Convention and Visitor's Bureau to find out about coupons for local eateries, etc. Then, when you visit the hotel, ask them if they have any coupons for local adventures or eateries.

Before the baby, we would visit Las Vegas for weekends away! When we arrived in Vegas, we took advantage of the coupons and deals that were available for B1G1 buffets, etc.

What would you add to this list?

Thanks Woman's Day!


The Millennial Family

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The Weekends Count Magazine